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  • Richard Conniff

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    The Kindle version of my book Spineless Wonders: Strange Tales from the Invertebrate World is currently on sale for just $4.99.  The New York Times Book Review says,  “With wit & elegance [Conniff] persuades the queasiest reader to share his fascination with the extravagant variety of invertebrates & their strategies.”

    Ending Epidemics: A History of Escape from Contagion: “Ending Epidemics is an important book, deeply and lovingly researched, written with precision and elegance, a sweeping story of centuries of human battle with infectious disease. Conniff is a brilliant historian with a jeweler’s eye for detail. I think the book is a masterpiece.” Richard Preston, author of The Hot Zone and The Demon in the Freezer

    The Species Seekers:  Heroes, Fools, and the Mad Pursuit of Life on Earth by Richard Conniff is “a swashbuckling romp” that “brilliantly evokes that just-before Darwin era” (BBC Focus) and “an enduring story bursting at the seams with intriguing, fantastical and disturbing anecdotes” (New Scientist). “This beautifully written book has the verve of an adventure story” (Wall St. Journal)

    Swimming with Piranhas at Feeding Time by Richard Conniff  is “Hilariously informative…This book will remind you why you always wanted to be a naturalist.” (Outside magazine) “Field naturalist Conniff’s animal adventures … are so amusing and full color that they burst right off the page …  a quick and intensely pleasurable read.” (Seed magazine) “Conniff’s poetic accounts of giraffes drifting past like sail boats, and his feeble attempts to educate Vervet monkeys on the wonders of tissue paper will leave your heart and sides aching.  An excellent read.” (BBC Focus magazine)

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The Secret of Soaring Birds: Aloft on Inflatable Sacs

Posted by Richard Conniff on June 12, 2024

American white pelicans on the wing (Photo: Claudio Contreras Koob)

by Richard Conniff

I’m watching a red-tailed hawk just now circling above the lower Connecticut River. It’s a placid, sunlit day, not like the mucky, half-drowned day Ted Hughes wrote about in his 1957 poem “The Hawk in the Rain.” But my hawk, like his, “Effortlessly at height hangs his still eye.

His wings hold all creation in a weightless quiet,
Steady as a hallucination in the streaming air …

The hawk’s flouting of gravity fills poor humans like Hughes (and me) with wonder, longing, and also envy, at the contrast with our own earthbound lives. So how is it that hawks and other soaring birds do it? How do frigatebirds manage to remain on the wing at sea for months at a time? How do golden eagles stay airborne for hours while hardly ever flapping their wings? How does the peregrine falcon hang patiently in the sky before its high-speed plunge to the kill?

Researchers have long known that soaring birds ride updrafts in the mountains and thermals wherever they can find them. But a new study in the journal Nature details an improbable anatomical adaption that makes soaring easier in almost any conditions. It’s a pneumatic sac, called the subpectoral diverticulum (or SPD), that extends from the lungs, passes out of the body cavity through a narrow opening at the shoulders, and then dives down between the major flight muscles in the chest. When inflated, this sac becomes a sort of cushion, extending support for the outstretched wings a centimeter or two from the body.

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One Response to “The Secret of Soaring Birds: Aloft on Inflatable Sacs”

  1. This is to encourage readers who have followed me with interest here to take a look at my substack page, and if you like it, consider subscribing. With thanks, Richard Conniff


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